Ancient medical records from around the world prove…
… Humans have been using poultices to heal wounds since at least 2,500 BC!
There is lots of evidence of their use in medical records from Egypt, China, India, and Mesopotamia, just to name a few!
And with good reason.
A poultice, prepared and applied correctly, can have an immediate healing impact on minor traumatic injuries like big gashes, cuts, sprains, bruises, and swelling!
They work because:
1) They cool and soothe the inflamed injured area.
2) They draw excess moisture from the skin. (i.e. Reduce swelling)
3) And they draw out bacteria, toxins, and foreign objects – including infection – to reduce and prevent infection, and heal the areas!
But how do you make a poultice?
What works in a poultice and what doesn’t? How do you apply it? How do you know if a poultice is the RIGHT TREATMENT for a particular wound or injury? Are you going to make things better or worse?
Doug will answer these questions and more in the NEW 10-lesson video series, “Healing Infections Without Antibiotics” that you’re getting here today.
Because after spending decades traveling the world, experimenting with a wide variety of poultices and herbal applications, Doug settled on a favorite that he’s used to heal a wide variety of traumatic injuries.
Including burns, gashes, sprains, glass splinters, and so much more!
You won’t want to miss his big reveal!